Theology Matters Conference - Oct 8-10th, 2024

Theology Matters Conference - Oct 8-10th, 2024

+1 864-378-5416



Exile and New Life

The topic of exile and new life intersect with several pertinent matters today. The Assyrian and Babylonian exiles (or as some historians now describe...

A Framework, Not a Roadmap: Christians Can Foster Peace, Justice, and Freedom in the Middle East

The Bible does not supply a roadmap for Mideast policy today. But there is a framework of principles that we can draw from the...

The Political Dilemmas of Arab Christianity

The Middle East’s Christian minorities have a painful political history. Not only have they suffered persecution and restrictions at the hands of Muslim majorities,...

Arguing From Evidence: Why Support Israel?

There is a widespread assumption that evangelical Protestant support for Israel is purely theological. But this assumption overlooks the many other reasons why evangelicals...

Stretching Scripture Too Far: Apocalyptic Prophecy as Mideast Policy Guide

Christians look to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as God’s authoritative revelation of his purposes for humankind. But these sacred texts,...

Lands of Promise and Conflict: The Middle East in Biblical Understanding

Anyone seeking to understand the Middle East cannot avoid this fact: it is the region where the events of the Bible took place. Jews...